2/15 New www.cohousing.org / Eldershire
From: c-l-sum (c-l-sumcohousing.org)
Date: Thu, 16 Mar 2006 07:30:12 -0800 (PST)
Cohousing-L msg summary for Feb  7 to Feb 14 2006, msg# 22886 - 22895
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Congrats on Launch of New Website   FROM:  Ann Zabaldo-22888
         REPLIES FROM:  James Kacki-22889, Ann Zabaldo-22890,
         Joani Blank-22891, Buzz Harris-22894, John Beutler-22895

Dr. Bill Thomas' Eldershire concept   FROM:  Fred H Olson-22886

Careaminiums   FROM:  Chris ScottHanson-22887

Cohousing Opportunity in Lincoln, MA - IMMEDIATE ; AFFORDABLE
         FROM:  Chris ScottHanson-22893

Board Liability Insurance   FROM:  Linda Merrill-22892
  • (no other messages in thread)

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