HOA dues basis / Marketing questions
From: Cohousing-L summary list (c-l-sumcohousing.org)
Date: Wed, 25 Jul 2007 15:29:49 -0700 (PDT)
Cohousing-L msg summary for Jul 17 to Jul 24 2007, msg# 26381 - 26408
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2008 National Cohousing Conference: First Call for Presenters
         FROM:  Steve Hecht-26386

Re: HOA dues for children/teens at what age?
         REPLIES FROM:  Bonnie Fergusson-26384, Susan
         Hedgpeth-26385, Robert Heinich-26387, Dirk
         Herr-Hoyman-26388, Mac Thomson-26392, Fred H
         Olson-26396, Racheli Gai-26397, Raines Cohen-26398,
         Joani Blank-26400

marketing question   FROM:  Leah-26381
         REPLIES FROM:  Stuart Joseph-26382, Robert Heinich-26383

Re: marketing question / right of first refusal
         REPLIES FROM:  Raines Cohen-26389, Lyle Scheer-26390,
         Kay Argyle-26391, Dave and Diane-26394

Seeking Marketing Advice   FROM:  mary rain-26393
         REPLIES FROM:  Carol Gulyas-26395, mary rain-26399,
         Craig Ragland-26402, Carol Gulyas-26405

Cohousing Communitites Coalesce Tour, Saturday, August 11th, 9am to 4pm
         FROM:  Ellen Bicheler-26407

Cohousing in the national press   FROM:  Joani Blank-26408

Daybreak Cohousing Submits for Permit   FROM:  Terri Huggett-26401
         REPLY FROM:  Ann Zabaldo-26404

Eco-Friendly House For Sale in Wise Acres Cohousing Community $498, 000
         FROM:  mary rain-26406

Minnesota interest in Senior and ElderSpirit Cohousing
         FROM:  Joelyn Malone-26403
  • (no other messages in thread)

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