Early Adoption / Teens & Chores / Lenders
From: Cohousing-L summary list (c-l-sumcohousing.org)
Date: Wed, 22 Apr 2009 16:52:23 -0700 (PDT)
Cohousing-L msg summary for Apr 15 to Apr 22 2009, msg# 29851 - 29879
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Rewarding Early Adoption   FROM:  balaji-29871
         REPLIES FROM:  Muriel Kranowski-29872, Kristi
         Barlow-29874, balaji-29875, Diana E Carroll-29876, Mac

Teens and Chores in Community   FROM:  Scott Bentley-29860
         REPLIES FROM:  Thomas Lofft-29863, Rob Sandelin-29864,
         R.N. Johnson-29865, Scott Bentley-29866, Scott
         Bentley-29867, Sharon Villines-29868

cohousing-friendly banks   FROM:  Joelyn Malone-29854
         REPLY FROM:  Bree-29858

Re: California "Cohousing friendly" condominiums lenders?
         REPLY FROM:  Ellen Keyne Seebacher-29856

Why are lenders afraid of Cohousing?   FROM:  Susana Michaelis-29869
         REPLIES FROM:  Sharon Villines-29870, Denise
         Meier-29873, Chris ScottHanson-29879

Fred back for DC, SC and SC,IA / admin notes
         FROM:  Fred H Olson-29878

Massachusetts Cohousing Tour - May 16   FROM:  Laura Fitch-29852

Beep! Beep! 10 Days Remaining To Get A Discount For MAC Bus Tour!
         FROM:  Ann Zabaldo-29862

Call for Papers   FROM:  Ann Zabaldo-29851

Re: Tierra Nueva Ca, community rental, avai; May
         REPLIES FROM:  Craig Ragland-29853, dmcfe-29857

Units for sale at Trillium Hollow in Portland, OR
         FROM:  Dominique Hoffman-29861

Washington DC Rental -- Takoma Village  - May and June
         FROM:  Jennifer Ryan-29859
         REPLY FROM:  Ann Zabaldo-29855
  • (no other messages in thread)

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