The Nation: From Occupy to Climate Justice
From: Scott Jackson (
Date: Thu, 20 Feb 2014 14:20:55 -0800 (PST)
As a longtime Movement organizer and activist who has recently become a
climate activist following the abatement of my mood disorder, I found this
article (,0) to
be interesting and challenging. It hasn't taken much time to realize that
the First-world, white-led climate/environmental movement still lacks a
significant justice component, which is why I didn't become an
environmental activist years ago. (I also underestimated the seriousness of
the problem and how it would mushroom with global warming, an unknown issue
at the advent of the modern environmental movement.) I hope it challenges
you as well.

Scott Jackson
sjackzen46 [at]
<sjackzen46 [at]>
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