radical geography summer course at the U
From: clou0062 (clou0062umn.edu)
Date: Thu, 22 May 2008 09:08:24 -0700 (PDT)
Hello, I'm teaching a course at the U of M this summer that some folks who are students might be interested in. The course is the intro to human geography class geog 1301, 6/16-8/6. It's writing intensive and fulfills several requirements. It's called "Our Globalizing World", stupid name, I know, but the content is basically an introduction to radical/marxian critiques of global capitalism, colonialism, and Empire. We'll be reading Manfred Steger's "Globalization: a brief introduction", Jim Blaut's "Colonizers View of the World", as well as sections of "Globalization and it's Discontents", and some stuff that is yet to be nailed down about the Zapatistas, post-development theory, and applying David Harvey's critique of Time-space compression in order to challenge and de-center euro-centric capitalist conceptions of Western exceptionalism. The course will end with a focus on contesting Empire and will involve an examination of so-called anti-globalization movements,Seattle, Genoa, and the plans to challenge the RNC in St. Paul. Students will have the option of using activism that they are undertaking in relation to the RNC or other global/local issues as a big part of their final project. 4 credits, meets Monday and Wednesday 6-8:30pm, and Thursday 6-9pm, 6/16-8/09 on the West Bank somewhere. If you could pass this along to anyone you think might be interested I'd really appreciate it, I think it will be a good time and I'd love to have some radical students in there. See you. oh yeah, pdf of course flyer is attached.

-nathan clough

Boredom is always counter-revolutionary.  Always!  ---Guy Debord
Nathan Clough
Ph.D. Candidate,
Darrell Haug Davis Fellow,
Dept. of Geography
University of Minnesota

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