Rainwater recycle 8.06 10am
From: Mark Snyder (fholsoncohousing.org)
Date: Wed, 24 Aug 2005 08:30:22 -0700 (PDT)
Wanted to make sure that folks are aware of this upcoming opportunity to
see first-hand how you can remake your yard to be rainwater-friendly. 
I went on the guided tour last year and it was absolutely fascinating!

3rd Annual Marcy Holmes Rainwater resource Recycling Tours
Saturday, August 6th (guided tours:  10 a.m. & 1 p.m.)

Meet at University Lutheran Church of Hope, 601 SE 13th Ave. in parking
lot (free parking in lot)

Learn to use rain water as a valuable resource via raingardens, rain
barrels, pervious pavement and green roof technology to increase the
health of your watershed. See examples throughout the Marcy-Holmes
neighborhood. Also available - Self Guided Tours between August 5th - 7th;
Begin at 706 14th Ave. SE., look for self guided tour brochures in project
mailbox next to "Marcy Holmes Rainwater Resource Recycling Tour" sign.
Project funded by matching grants from the Mississippi Watershed
Management Organization. For more information, contact The Kestrel Design
Group, Inc. at 952 928-9600 or tkdg [at] kestreldesigngroup.com

Having recently installed a rain barrel and started a small rain garden in
my yard, I can say for certain this is worth the work (and it's really not
that much work), whether you apply for a stormwater fee rebate or not.

I'm looking forward now to getting additional garden ideas so I can start
thinking expansion and also learning more about pervious paving so I can
make sure to use that when I eventually replace my crumbling front walk.

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