"King Corn" video Tues and Wed in Mpls
From: Fred H Olson (fholsoncohousing.org)
Date: Tue, 11 Dec 2007 09:34:35 -0800 (PST)
The film is a documentary about the wrong headed fram policy to grow as
much corn as possible - despite negative nutrition, obesity and other

Tuesday, Dec 11 - Wednesday, Dec 12
King Corn Nightly @ 7 p.m. & 9 p.m.
Oak Street Cinema located at: 309 Oak St. S.E., Minneapolis.

Oak Street Cinema - http://www.mnfilmarts.org/oakstreet/

 After learning their generation might be the first American one with a
 shorter life span than the one before it based on largely on nutritional
 reasons, former college buds Ian Cheney and Curt Ellis go deep into
 Iowa's Corn Belt on a simple mission: to plant one acre of corn and then
 follow it through the food system. What they find raises troubling
 questions about what we eat.

Fred's list of their main critiques are:
o 30 year old farm policy to grow as much corn as possible regardless of
o Confinement beef production which is unhealthy for animals
('if not slaughtered they'd probably die of illness' - acidosis
from abnormal (for them) high grain diet
o Resulting high fat content of beef from this diet
o The concious effort to mass produce / encourage consumption of high
fructose corn sweetener in most food products in US and the resulting obesity 

 http://kingcorn.net    requires Flash w/ no alternative


Fred H. Olson  Minneapolis,MN 55411  USA        (near north Mpls)
Communications for Justice -- Free, superior listserv's w/o ads:
http://justcomm.org      My Link Pg: http://fholson.cohousing.org
612-588-9532 (7am-10pm CST/CDT)   Email: fholson at cohousing.org

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