May Salons
From: Patty Guerrero (
Date: Mon, 28 Apr 2014 09:07:39 -0700 (PDT)
> This is the schedule for May:
>    May 6, "How to Watch Television - An Autistic Guide to Humanity"  by 
> Sandra Barnhouse.   In this highly original book of speculative non-fiction, 
> the author explains her theory about the evolution of human behaviors, that 
> fall into discernible patterns in individuals as well as whole cultures.  
> Barnhouse is an artist, writer and thinker who brings together numerous ideas 
> in a thought-provoking and readable way.
> May 13, Rosemary Golias, a member of Kundalini Awakening Systems, will show 
> the film, Kundalini, and lead a discussion on its presence in life. Kundalini 
> is our birthright, is an evolutionary force within us, and is the source of 
> the fulfillment of our life desires.  Beyond science, beyond religion, 
> Kundalini is the force within.
> May 20,  May 20,  Trudy Baleazar will tell her story and read from her book , 
> "Road to Freedom: Strangers Restore Justice” about her journey in helping 
> Koua Fong Lee, the man who was convicted and jailed for driving the car that 
> careened out of control at exit of 94 and Snelling Ave 2 years ago, killing a 
> pedestrian. Hear why she felt compelled to help a complete stranger.
> May 27,  Eugenis de Rosier,  from St Paul will show her slides and talk about 
> her swim in the Dardanelles Strait—a strait that separates European and Asian 
> Turkey. 
> If I had a hamer, i'd hammer out danger, i'd hammer out justice
> pete seeger

For everything there is a season
pete seeger

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