Fwd: Trump wants to make torture great again (signature needed)
From: patty guerrero (pattypaxicloud.com)
Date: Sat, 24 Jun 2017 19:07:54 -0700 (PDT)
Need to sign this.   patty

> Begin forwarded message:
> From: "rowleyclan [at] earthlink.net" <rowleyclan [at] earthlink.net>
> Subject: Fw: Trump wants to make torture great again (signature needed)
> Date: June 24, 2017 at 8:13:02 PM CDT
> To: Tackling Torture Committee <TacklingTortureAtTheTop [at] groupspaces.com>
> Reply-To: TacklingTortureAtTheTop [at] groupspaces.com
> See highlighted.   Coleen R. 
> -----Forwarded Message----- 
> From: Win Without War 
> Sent: Jun 24, 2017 7:46 PM 
> To: rowleyclan [at] earthlink.net 
> Subject: Trump wants to make torture great again (signature needed) 
> Coleen,
> Donald Trump just nominated one of the architects of George W. Bush’s torture 
> program to a top job in his Administration. We can’t let that happen. 
> You may not have heard the name Steven Bradbury for quite some time, but 
> during the Bush years, Bradbury provided bogus legal cover for a number of 
> illegal torture techniques [1], including waterboarding, sleep deprivation, 
> slapping, and forcing detainees to wear diapers. [2] Without Bradbury’s ok, 
> some of the worst abuses of the Bush Administration may never have happened. 
> Now, just as news is breaking about a possible American role in a brutal 
> torture program uncovered in Yemen [3], President Trump wants to bring back 
> Bradbury to serve as his General Council at the Transportation Department. 
> The fact is, the people behind Bush's torture program - people like Steven 
> Bradbury - were never held accountable, and that is exactly why we continue 
> to read about alleged American involvement in even more brutal torture. It’s 
> time to take a stand and make it clear - rewarding those behind Bush’s 
> torture program is unacceptable. 
> Coleen, can you add your name to make clear that the architects of torture 
> have no place in our government? 
> <http://act.winwithoutwar.org/sign/tell-senate-block-trumps-torture-nominee/&tag=moveon>Bradbury’s
>  potential move back into government should outrage every American, 
> regardless of party affiliation or ideological leaning. 
> The Justice Department’s own ethics office concluded that Bradbury’s torture 
> memos “were written with the goal of allowing the ongoing CIA [torture] 
> program to continue [4]” and reflected “uncritical acceptance of the CIA’s 
> representations regarding the method of implementation” of certain 
> interrogation techniques. A man whose “legal” analysis included concluding 
> that waterboarding did not cause “severe physical suffering” and did not 
> “amount to the "prolonged mental harm” has no business in our government. 
> The last time Bradbury tried to get a new job in government, the Senate 
> blocked his appointment to a senior Justice Department position precisely 
> because of his role in Bush’s torture program. Now it’s time to tell them to 
> do it again. 
> Click the link below to sign the petition to tell the Senate that the 
> architects of torture don’t belong in our government. 
> http://act.winwithoutwar.org/sign/tell-senate-block-trumps-torture-nominee/&tag=moveon
> <http://act.winwithoutwar.org/sign/tell-senate-block-trumps-torture-nominee/&tag=moveon>
> Together, we have defeated some of the worst nominees of the Trump 
> Administration. We helped keep Mark Green and his anti-Muslim and anti-LGBT 
> views out of the U.S. Army. We helped get Steve Bannon kicked off the 
> National Security Council. Now it's time to do it again. 
> Thank you for working for peace, 
> Stephen, Ben, Michelle and the Win Without War team 
> P.S. To win this fight, we're going to need a deafening chorus of opposition. 
> Can you forward this email to 3 friends to help build our call to make clear 
> that there's no place in the federal government for the architect's of 
> torture?
> Sources: 
> [1] Explaining and Authorizing Specific Interrogation Techniques 3/17/09 
> [2] CIA torture tactics: What the terms really mean 12/10/14 
> [3] In Yemen’s secret prisons, UAE tortures and US interrogates 6/22/17 
> [4] Trump Will Nominate ‘Torture Memo’ Lawyer To Transportation Post 6/6/17
> This message was sent to Coleen Rowley by Win Without War through MoveOn's 
> public petition website. MoveOn Political Action licensed and paid for this 
> service, but does not endorse contents of this message. To unsubscribe or 
> report this email as inappropriate, click here: 
> http://petitions.moveon.org/unsub.html?i=38047-178729-DCz8Nh 
> <http://petitions.moveon.org/unsub.html?i=38047-178729-DCz8Nh>
> Want to make a donation to help support petitions on MoveOn.org? Hundreds of 
> thousands of people chip in each year to support MoveOn—which is how we're 
> able to keep our petition website free and support campaigns like this one. 
> You can become a monthly donor by clicking here 
> <https://act.moveon.org/donate/support_moveon_petitions?donation_type=recurring>,
>  or chip in a one-time gift here 
> <https://act.moveon.org/donate/support_moveon_petitions>.
> "Power is always dangerous.  Power attracts the worst and corrupts the best." 
>   --Edward Abbey

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