logging on
From: Philip Proefrock (architectcornellbox.com)
Date: Wed, 21 Mar 2007 08:28:31 -0700 (PDT)
> BTW , Andrew, did you put
>      * Retrofitting/Retrofit Cohousing
> on the main page?
> You forgot to log in so the change is just attributed to
> Is there an easy way relate IP addresses to registered users?

Erp!  That was me; Sorry.  I was trying out the redirect to see if it
worked.  I stay logged in pretty regularly on my own wikis, and I have an
option that requires author identification to make any edits, so I'm used
to being reminded in case I forget.  Is that an option in MediWiki?  I
don't think you should link users to IP addresses; there may be cases
where more than one user is coming from an IP address (different family
members, users at public access points like libraries, etc.)

I agree that a broader discussion forum is useful, particularly as things
are starting up.  In the first wiki I worked in regularly, there was a
link to recent changes that was what I checked regularly to see what other
people had been working on.

I'm using XP at work, so I'm somewhat familiar with it, Fred.  I'll try to
be helpful if I can.



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