Re: knowing what committees do
From: NEVETS2 (
Date: Mon, 27 Jun 94 09:31 CDT
Online would help?

So it finally comes down to this.  Even committed, fair, intelligent,
through, trained,........CoHousing Group members - willing to endure endless
meetings for the sake of community - could profit handsomely if a BBS system
was built in to the community that included a librry for uploading and
downloading (minutes, deeds to property, atty's agreements, etc. etc.),
conferencing for ongoing "meetings", chatting - oh why not! - and Email.

Do any CoHousing communities have such built in networks - like having a
networked home computer is a requirement for membership?  If so how does it
help?  if it happened in mid stream, was an improvement in communicatioon
noted after it was up and running?  Is anyone planning to install one? 

Steve Weinberg
Lurker for the Kibbutz movement

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