Re: Looking for housemate in NYC beginning 8/10, $300/mo
From: Dan Pacheco (pachecoducsu.Colorado.EDU)
Date: Mon, 11 Jul 94 12:42 CDT
   My article for the Denver Post about co-housing in Colorado appeared 
in the Thursday, July 7 LIVING section, front page. Thank you to all 
those who helped me with their stories and information.  (I was told 
later that I am the first reporter at the post to use the words "From an
internet interview").
   I'm sorry that I can't post the article, but as you know, the Post, 
not myself, has the copyright on the article.  Anyone is free to call the 
Post and ask for permission to reprint the article in entirety on the 
internet.  Call (303) 820-1281 for more information.

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