Use of text on this list
From: Stuart Staniford-Chen (
Date: Wed, 19 Oct 94 15:43 CDT
One thing I probably should have mentioned before is that I'm getting into 
the habit of lifting messages or parts of messages from this list to put 
into the Mosaic (World Wide Web) pages.  I always attribute the text to 
whoever wrote it.  In some sense, this makes no difference as your words 
are already publically available to anyone wandering around gopherspace or 
webspace because they are on the cohousing-l archive.  I just re-organize 
them a bit to make them more conveniently accessible.  

I mention this now, because I plan to lift all the conference reports and 
paste them together in this way.  If you have any concerns about this, 
please contact me.

stanifor [at]
N St Cohousing
  • (no other messages in thread)

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