NPR commentaries
From: Deborah Behrens (debbehAuto-trol.COM)
Date: Thu, 17 Nov 94 18:03 CST
>> from debbie:
>>NPR often has periodic contributors from around the country.  maybe they 
>>would be interested in someone in a cohousing group doing, say, monthly 
>>commentaries about cohousing living?  do we have anyone with the skills 
> ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
>>to offer something like this to NPR ??
> reply from fred
>Neat idea!  I had some email correspondence with Sara Sarasohn the
>producer of the piece.  I'd like to send her some comments.
>Debbie (or anyone) want to out develop this idea?  
I would want it to be someone who could come up to NPRs standards on
commentary (definitely *not* me). Are any of the good thoughtful
writers out there interested/have the time?     --- debbie behrens
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