Re: list of cohousing groups on cohousing-l
From: Gary Shea (
Date: Fri, 9 Dec 94 15:41 CST
Rob Sandelin writes:
>Here is another update of the cohousing groups on Cohousing-l. As usual 
>I  probably missed some so send your corrections and additions to:
>Rob Sandelin
>Robsan [at]

Well, we're in the earliest stages, but I'd say we're a cohousing

Wasatch Cohousing (interim name)
Salt Lake City, Utah
contact: Gary Shea, shea [at]

I'm planning on carrying info on the group (assuming I can stay
in it, and it continues to exist...) on my web site,  Right now there's nothing there,
but as the current group historian, I'm supposed to have a
history summary together by Tuesday :)

What some of us here want to hear most about right now are the
technologies for energy-efficient, "sustainable" communities.
We're still trying to figure out who we are, but this seems
to be an important area.


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