Re: Cohousing etiquette for visitors
From: Rob Sandelin (
Date: Tue, 3 Jan 95 17:58 CST
> In the handout materials for the Puget Sound Cohousing Network I list
> etiquette for visiting.  Maybe this should be spread wider via the
> journal.  It is not OK just to walk in, unannounced and uninvited into
> peoples homes.

Debra asked:
Rob, what is the etiquette that you put in the Puget Sound material?

Call ahead and schedule a visit, don't drop in.
When you call, check and see if this is good time for the contact 
person to talk with you, if not call back later.
If you write for information, enclose a SASE.

Based on comments from groups in my area I am going to add one more:

If you can't make a scheduled appointment, call the contact person to 
  • (no other messages in thread)

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