Re: References wanted (FWD)
From: Fred H Olson WB0YQM (
Date: Thu, 12 Jan 95 08:49 CST
Mac Thomson  San Juan Cohousing  Durango, Colorado  mac [at]
is the author of this message but
due to a listserv problem it was posted by the COHOUSING-L sysop.
January 11, 1995

Dear CRG Compiler (Is that you, Rob?)

I received your request rather circuitously via a friend in Florida.  So I
hope that this response makes it to you.  I'm quite new to all this Internet
stuff so please let me know if you receive this.

I think that what I have to offer for the CRG reference section can be very
valuable to many new-forming group's.  I have been working with Bruce Coldham
to revise his Timeline Game to make it available to core groups for a $15
donation to the Cohousing Network.

Briefly, the Timeline Game leads a group, in a fun and interactive manner,
through organizing, analyzing, recognizing, and planning  the activities in
the cohousing development process.

I would like to put a reference in the CRG giving people a summary of the
game and telling them how to buy a copy.  What do you think?

Mac Thomson
San Juan Cohousing
Durango, Colorado

                mac [at]
                Mac Thomson, HappyValley

  • (no other messages in thread)

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