Re: What do you call each other?
From: Richard Morley (
Date: Mon, 13 Mar 95 17:54 CST
In message <48346.fholson [at]> cohousing-l [at] 
> How about simply  "one of my friends"

I think the sub-text in the original suggestion -- anyway, if it 
wasn't a sub-text, allow me to introduce the idea here -- is this: 
if we allow co-housing to insert itself into everyday 
conversations about other subjects, we shall eventually end up 
eliciting interest in co-housing itself at an appropriate 

>From personal experience in student co-ops, I would say this is correct -- 
I used just to say that a person was from my co-op.  Any time 
later, people would ask about this co-op, and several people I 
already knew ended up moving in. 

Perhaps you can conceive of your co-housing as a kind of co-op, which 
of course it is, and perhaps the word will enter your conversation 
without branding you a subversive (which, in a way of course, you 
are).  Then, of course, perhaps it won't; I suspect that quite a 
bit varies with cultural context. 

Richard Morley

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