Re: cohousing questions
From: MartyR707 (
Date: Mon, 20 Mar 95 21:57 CST
>> 4.  Rob mentioned tours.  Living in Santa Rosa, CA, are there coho places
nearby who would sometimes do a tour so I could see a coho group?

I don't know where Santa Rosa is.  There are currently 4 groups in 
California which have something to visit, Two in Davis, one in 
Sacramento, and one in Berkeley.  The next issue of the Cohousing 
Journal will list phone numbers and contacts for all the groups around 
the country.<<

Santa Rosa is 50 miles north of San Francisco and , as I wrote Karen who
inquired, we have a group meeting and heavy into big decisions getting ready
to build (after entitlement, permits etc. - a "small" problem) in Sebastopol
(just west of Santa Rosa)  There also is a group forming in Santa Rosa and a
second one beginning in sebastopol.  all are still open to new members.

Marty R., Santa Rosa

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