RE: Division of labor (was: Cooking Roster)
From: Rob Sandelin (
Date: Wed, 22 Mar 95 12:47 CST
Pablo made several good points about division of labor and accomodating 
peoples life.  I would only add that the size of the community really 
impacts the amount of labor per person.  A small, 15 person group is 
going to need more energy per individual, than a 40 person group.   At 
Sharingwood I have noticed that there is a "critical mass" required to 
accomplish certain things.  If only one person wants to do something, 
it may languish, if 3-4 people put energy into something, it usually 
happens. Case in point, a couple of us talked about making beer, 
finally 3 of us (now 4) got together and started doing so.  I would not 
have succeeded on my own (not that our beer is any great success, but's beer!)

In a group of 15, the critical mass of energy might not ever get 
reached for many projects due to the higher energy requirements just to 
deal with the basics.

Rob Sandelin

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