Where is Oceano?
From: 71045.2023 (71045.2023compuserve.com)
Date: Thu, 18 May 95 08:35 CDT
Reply to Karen F:
Oceano is part of the central coast communities of California.  It is located
about ninety miles north of Santa Barbara on Highway One.  It is a small town
area on the dunes in San Luis Obispo County.  If you know where San Luis Obispo
(city) is then Oceano is just 15 miles south right next to Pismo Beach.
The property of Grell CoHousing Group is on a small rise (100 ft) overlooking
the agricultural valley with dunes and ocean in the distance.
Yes we are looking for members.  The plan is for 27 individual homes (13 1/2
duplexes) and we currently have 12 committed, with 3 very close.  Alot of our
attention lately has been towards marketing and that is why I think our
neighborhood outreach has been neglected.  But we are taking positive steps to
reverse that and the suggestions we have been getting are going to be discussed
at our Thursday meeting this week.
Please keep in touch, if you would like to have a tour, stay with some members,
participate in meetings, committees, socials we are glad to have you.
Thanks,       Dan

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