Re:Singles posting
From: MartyR707 (
Date: Thu, 8 Jun 1995 17:41:42 -0400
Mike Mariner suggests:

>I suggest this singles activity might benefit cohousing groups -- singles
might have held back investing might find either relationships or housemates
that would buy into developments.

Any opposing views?<

I think it's a good idea.  Tho I'm not ready to post my own "personals ad"
right now, I like the idea of using this list to find other singles for
potential shared housing.  I'm finding I like starting out on this venture as
a single because it saves me from having to convince an existing mate that
cohousing is a good idea. (Something I've been watching happen with some
couples)  Now that I'm sold on the idea, I like the idea of meeting single
men that are interested in cohousing too.  So, when I have more time to think
about it, I'll post more about me.
Marty Roberts, Santa Rosa, CA
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