Funding new coho
From: Collaborative Housing Society (
Date: Wed, 9 Aug 1995 08:56:44 -0500
Mike, there are already funds set up in the U.S. to do exactly what you are
describing - pooling individual and institutional resources to facilitate
local ownership and/or development of housing in low-income neighbourhoods.

The Low Income Housing Fund based in San Francisco, is one example (415)
777-9804 - offices in L.A. and New York as well.

The Institute for Community Economics in Springfield, MA comes at it from a
slightly different approach (413) 746-8660.  Both are worth looking into if
you want to pursue your idea further.

Of course, they don't call what they do cohousing. . .

We are working towards a similiar funding mechanism here for any innovative,
neighbourhood-based approach, but it's a long way off.

Russell Mawby
Collaborative Housing Society - Toronto

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