Eastern Confer. Review. from Synergy
Date: Wed, 9 Oct 1996 16:36:00 -0500
Just came back from EAST Coast Conference. Yes, it was a hoot. My wife and I
stayed in Pioneer Valley coho. A really great community.
Workshops on Sustainablilty, working with contractors, concensus, the
process, finacial, living in cohousing.
Each group was invited to give a small skit at the end of the conference.
That was really a hoot.
It was called the 'no talent' show.
Bruce Coldham and Pioneer Valley were our hosts. Many thanks to Bruce, Ann
Zabaldo (liberty village in MD and others.
Don Linderman was there videotaping some of the workshops.
:)  Time was spent addressing the National Movement as well. Don Linderman,
Corey Yugler (me wifee), Ann Zabaldo, Sherri Zann Rosenthaul ( Eno Commons in
N. Carolina ) headed the workshop.
Anyone who has time to aid in getting the 'national cohousing association a
boost. Contact Corey via email - cbwhy [at] aol.com.
The matter will be addressed sometime the beginning of the year.  A proposal
is being drawn up by the people mentioned.  Spread the word. (:

A gentleman, Graham Meltzer, from the School of Architecture, Interior and
Industrial Design. Queensland University of Technology was in attendance. He
was working on his Phd. Cohousing was the topic of course. He's also looking
to form a group.
He can be contacted at g.meltzer [at] qut.edu.au.

That's the short update of East Regional conf.
Gary Shlifer - Synergy Cohousing - Delray Beach, Florida 954.921.0434
Best to all.

32 groups showed up.  More than 120 people.
Some of the groups
Alchemy Farms - Mass.
Island Cohousind - Martha's Vinyard - Mass
Cambridge coho - Mass
Synergy - Florida
Rockland county coho - NY
Eno Commons - NC
Pathways Coho - Mass.
Chester PA cohousing
New View - Mass.
Other states in representation were: Maine, Virginia, MD, New Jersey,
This list is from memory only.  Ask Bruce Coldham for an acurate list.
(brucecol [at] crocker.com) 
I'm sure you'll be hearing more.

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