stress, support
From: Judy (
Date: Sun, 13 Oct 1996 12:58:12 -0500
Robyn Williams,Pinakarri Community Inc. (Australia)
wrote:   7-OCT-1996

<Five years down the track and we've covered alot of ground, but the
emotional resources of our intentional community, co-housing style,
equity/non-equity co-op are stretched to the max.  These are high stress
times - design issues, funding issues, personal issues, space issues combine
with our fears, expectations, workloads >
What can we say ?  It DOES get better, and I still think CoHousing is where I
want  to be.  And it's a stretch. Someone (I think it was Zev Paiss) said, a
while ago, some variation on "Cohousing is the most expensive 5 year growth
experience of your life."  The commonalities of experience are there.  Those of
us who  have been/are in development know exactly what you mean. Rob Sandelin
posted the top 10 issues a while back, and gosh darn it, we had been dealing
with all of them.  Maybe he'll post them again (hint, hint).

I also  think it is critical to take care of yourselves, and try to avoid
burnout.  Rob posted something on that too, way back.

Judy Baxter, Monterey Cohousing Community,(MoCoCo) Twin Cities Area, Mpls.,MN
-- e-mail:      baxter [at]
-- Resident of the "mansion"- the 1st 8 homes in a rehab Georgian building
as a retirment home in 1924 - 
-- 7 new townhouses (additions to the community) are done! - and occupied, one
is for sale (rented through May),  - 3 BR, 2 car tuck under garage, 
 Voice Mail for Monterey Cohousing - 612-930-7554

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