Re: An Inquery
From: Denise Cote (
Date: Thu, 24 Oct 1996 22:58:09 -0500
>If all the cohousers refer to their houses/homes as units, how come the
>Common House isn't called the Common Unit?
>Winslow Cohousing

Hey, it's the quantum age, and unit is a handy word.  I think we need 
more techno-speak, not less, to improve our clarity of communication.  
For instance, my cohousing group is programming the shared structure 
functions, and some of the member units were wondering how other groups 
designed their designated stress-reduction facilities for adolescent 
units.  Also, have any groups incorporated nutrient-production units into 
the exterior aesthetic enhancements?

I'm sure this is perfectly clear.

Denise Conehead

Denise Cote
denise [at]

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