Need video for press coverage
From: Carrie Burmaster (
Date: Mon, 2 Jun 1997 17:24:33 -0500
As you all know,we are having the Balt/Wash Regional Cohousing Conference
this Saturday.  Maryland Public TV will be there to do some kind of a
story and they have asked us for some video of existing cohousing
communities.  They cannot use videos that other TV stations have produced.
It has to be video that communities themselves have produced.  I know
there are some out there, I just don't know where.

I'd *really* appreciate it if those of you who have or know who has such a
tape could be in contact with me ASAP.  We don't want to lose out on this
wonderful PR opportunity.  We'll be happy to share the final product with
those who have contributed to it.

Either e-mail me or call me at 410-328-8404 (day) or 410-377-4914 (eve).

Carrie Burmaster
Liberty Village Cohousing Community (where we are really getting excited
about our upcoming event!!!)

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