"who's who"
From: Denise Meier and/or Michael Jacob (dmmjwco.com)
Date: Sat, 14 Jun 1997 09:55:35 -0500
I posted this list sort of prematurely, I see, and rather late at night
(someone in my group pointed out I had the wrong number of units for us!)
There are quite a number of projects missing completely. Think of this
list as a work in progress. I am still very interested in receiving
corrections and additions, and will repost again sometime after I return
from vacation on 6/23. 

Please note that where phone numbers for appraisers and bankers appear,
these are to be used VERY JUDICIOUSLY. We don't want these people to be
overwhelmed with calls, and end up being sorry that they ever got involved
in coho.

Denise Meier
Two Acre Wood

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