Broundbreaking song
From: MelaSilva (
Date: Wed, 2 Jul 1997 13:16:59 -0500
I was so amazed to be in Baltimore and hear folks sing this song, 
which was written for the Southside Park groundbreaking ceremony 5 years ago.
As has happened before, when I decided to verify the history,
 I found out that for years I had been inadvertently passing on myth instead!
The words were adapted by Theresa Tavianini just hours before the event.
I had forgotten there was a second verse, so I am passing on the whole song,
as she wrote it. 
Hope to hear it at many many more groundbreaking ceremonies!!
Pam Silva

There?s NO housing like COHOUSING,
Like no housing we know.
Everything about it is appealing,
Common House and all the units, too.
We designed it all from floor to ceiling,
And now we?re seeing our dreams come true.

There are NO People like CoPeople,
They strive for community.
Anonymous suburbia this sure won?t be,
We?re neighborhood and we?re family.
Young and old live side by side in harmony,
Let?s get on with the show!

Adapted byTheresa Tavianini
Ground breaking Ceremony, Southside Park
September 19, 1992
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