Re: How Many Dogs?
From: Barb Andre (
Date: Sun, 13 Jul 1997 14:19:58 -0500
cohousing-l [at] wrote:
> From: Mac Thomson <ganesh [at]>
Specifically what I need to know is:
> *  How many homes are in your community?
> *  How many dogs are in your community?


At Greyrock Commons in Fort Collins (CO) we have 30 households and 9
dogs. One of these dogs was acquired after the family moved into
cohousing, but the rest were "previously owned" so to speak.

Our community has yet to discuss the stickier issues of pet ownership,
but I anticipate some potentially heated discussion on letting dogs run
off leash in our native area/open space because of possible wildlife
harassment. Not that we have that much wildlife *yet*. The dogs are
almost always on-leash or otherwise in control when in the common areas.

Our bigger problem, IMHO, is the cat population, as some cats tend to
roam freely throughout the area. Cats are mighty fine predators and can
decimate wild bird and small mammal populations. Your neighbors, and the
CO Divison Of Wildlife, should be at least as worried about cats as

Barb Andre
Greyrock Commons
Fort Collins, CO

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