Re: USA TODAY article
From: Suzanne L Hirsch (
Date: Thu, 17 Jul 1997 10:56:20 -0500
You go boy!

On Wed, 16 Jul 1997, David Mandel wrote:

> I guess I'm happy for the rah-rah publicity. Maybe it will help break
> through with the developers and the bankers.
> But the lack of any mention of cohousing as a useful idea for lower-income
> housing development -- or any mention of the many communities that have
> struggled long and hard for a way to make that a reality -- leaves a sour
> taste with me. Part of me says, "That's USA today," the epitome of
> mainstream journalistic superficiality that I know so well, having worked
> in it for a decade and a half. And maybe those of you who spoke with the
> reporter mentioned the subject, or maybe not (I'm curious to know). Can we
> anyway all agree to make a point in the future of noting that we're not all
> middle-class professionals who can pay 10 percent down four years in
> advance? Thanks.
> David Mandel, Sacramento

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