media barrage
From: David Mandel (
Date: Wed, 23 Jul 1997 02:18:38 -0500
For anyone being contacted by media folks who wants to see the picture
painted be one of cohousing for people of various income levels: If you
want to emphasize this to the reported but don't know a lot about it, I'm
willing to have you refer them to me. I can share my knowledge of what's
happened and happening in various projects.

I check e-mail fairly regularly, though not every day. If it's urgent, my
home phone is (916) 446-5066. If it's super urgent and daytime (California
time here), my office number i (916) 551-2142.

I've been trying to collect information about efforts at affordability and
hope to develop more of a support system framework by the time of the
Seattle conference. If you are involved in a group that has affordability
as a serious goal, please also feel free to get in touch for advice, and
please let me know what you're doing so I can share the information with

Also, for anyone new to this list or who didn't notice earlier
announcements, an outline of ideas on the subject I prepared for a panel at
the Calif. conference last fall is available through If
you can't find it. I can send you an e-mail copy or a hard copy. For the
latter, send a SASE to me at 440 T Street, Sacramento, Calif. 95814.

David Mandel
Southside Park Cohousing

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