Re: COHOUSING-L digest 323
From: Eves (
Date: Thu, 6 Nov 1997 07:04:42 -0600
RE: smith & McGowan question 'pushing the envelope on design'..... I do
sometimes wonder  if we could've pushed the envelope more.....  We are
clustered by choice, which is very unusual for this region......[there  are
some low income cluster housing developments, and some condos, mostly
renovated apartment complexes....otherwise here people want
acreage......which hasn't worked well ecologically/visually/socially...]
Anyway..... For ease of life, and to help with our own longevity, we decided
early on to go with environmentally sound modular houses.....  And still like
this decision.  Even with modular, because of finish work choices [eg, cedar
siding done on-site] we've had plenty of on-site finish work to get
thru.......Anyway, that's one piece of input.  Look forward to seeing how
things go for you,
Ruth Hirsch eves@AOL
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