Fabulous cohousing home for sale at Sharingwood
From: Rob Sandelin (Floriferousclassic.msn.com)
Date: Sat, 3 Jan 1998 14:21:47 -0600
The best designed home at Sharingwood is for sale! This three bedroom home, on 
a 1/4 acre lot, is designed for excellent visual access to the community 
commons, but also has a very nice, private living room with a view into 
Sharingwood's gorgeous forest. Asking 190,000. Call Bill or Sandy at 
360-668-1406. This house will not last long, this is the first advertisement 
of it anywhwere. If you have ever considered Sharingwood, or a rural cohousing 
community I would suggest you move on this one. In addition to all the other 
benefits of living in a very children friendly community, community dinners, 
shared resources, large greenbelt, playfield, campground, etc. you also get 
the honor of being the neighbor of the infamous Rob Sandelin. (And I really 
don't play my guitar all THAT loud....)

Rob S.

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