TV News and Media Follow-Up
From: MWorswick (
Date: Thu, 8 Jan 1998 20:02:59 -0600
There were several questions posted about getting copies of the NBC Nightly
News Cohousing segment.  I talked with a producer at NBC who said that copies
can be ordered directly from NBC by calling 1-800-420-2626 .  You'll need the
date of the broadcast, which was Jan. 7th, 1998.  The producer did not know
how much it costs, so if someone tries this out, please post the price.

As it turns out the producer that I was talking with is doing the editing of
the Dateline NBC piece.  It will be about ten minutes long and cover cohousing
more extensively, including interviews with Chuck & Katie, etc.  There is no
scheduled air date as yet, although she said it will not run this month.  We
should have a little more advanced notice than the news piece - maybe a week
vs. one day.  Stay Tuned !

There was a question posted about what can be done to catch the eye of local
or national media.  My personal experience is that media follows other media.
If it's news, they want a piece of it.  When cohousing hit the cover of USA
Today last summer, it started a greater interest in the national & local
media.  Right now cohousing is news.  If you are building a group, call your
local media and clue them in .  Try to gather current stories (TV or print) as
examples and see if they'll cover your project in detail.  See the article in
the Fall / Winter Cohousing Journal by Kay Abrahams about working with the
media.   Good Luck.

O.K. enough about media.  Time to go skiing ...

Matt Worswick
Cohousing Designer and resident of Harmony Village
Golden Colorado

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