Re: Souther Marin Cohousing
From: RSchul1585 (
Date: Tue, 21 Apr 1998 09:54:00 -0500
I went to the first "Getting Serious Meeting" for the Marin cohousing group,
and thought you might be interested.  I can't get over the superior
organization skills of this group.  And they are extremely proactive.

First of all, over 80 people showed up.  Katie McCamant spoke...what a neat

The group was incredibly precise, with information and with their intended
time allotment.  What surprised me was the estimated costs of living in the
community.  I know Marin is expensive, but a medium-sized (I think about
13-1500 sq. feet) 3 bedroom came in around $400K (I don't have the exact
figures with me). To be a full member at this point is a $3,000 commitment.  I
think they got at least 7 people in that initial crowd to contribute the full

Of course, living on 94 acres, just three miles from the Golden Gate Bridge
with a  view of Mount Tam from one window and a view of Richardson Bay from
the other isn't exactly shabby!

I will only be going to one more meeting. Since I am writing about cohousing
and am not really partaking in the proces financially, I can't keep going to
meetings. But I have been very impressed so far.  

Lisa Schulman
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