Re: commonhouse ceilings
From: Ruby44444 (
Date: Wed, 22 Apr 1998 21:09:50 -0500
At Pioneer Valley, our dining room ceiling is, in fact, very tall. Two
stories, since the library is a loft over the front part of the building and
the dining room is in the back. The main part of the dining room is under the
peak of the cathedral ceiling.  there are two other dining spaces in the same
open room with lower ceilings, and they certainly are cozier.  But we made the
mistake of designing it so that it is impossible to have lights any where near
the tables, so no cozy lighting.  Our living room (couches and rug and coffee
table) moves around in the space--in the winter it's in front of the masonry
heater, and in the summer sometimes it's in a space that's divided off by
glass doors and sometimes it's just in the other alcove.  It's not
particularly cozy in any of these spaces, and we have another  room, the front
room, with chairs and a couch which is small but cozier.  
We have very divided opinion about our common house, I think.  Some people
really love it.  Some people think it feels  too institutional and not homey
enough.  I myself would advise against tall ceilings and long hallways. They
may be impressive, but they don't call you down there to cuddle up on a cold
winter night. Don't go for "public building", go for "home".
I would also say have round tables, and lighting near or over each table.
Avoid the cafeteria effect of long uniform tables, even if they are nice
That's my two cents worth.
Rebecca Reid
Pioneer Valley
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