Re: MONTANA Cohousing
From: Carla McAuley (
Date: Mon, 27 Apr 1998 02:32:20 -0500
You wrote:
>Thanks for the announcement!  Can you tell me what educational and 
>employment oppties there are in Bozeman?  
>Gretchen Witt
>Reston, VA
Hi Gretchen,
Glad to hear from you.
Public schools in Bozeman are rated pretty high compared to national
standards.  There is very little crime in Bozeman, esp for a town of 30+
thousand.  The blotter column in the daily newspaper lists such things as
police called to loud party, nuisance dog reported, etc.  It's a whole
'nother world compared to the East where you are  There are towns on the map
in Montana that have only 10 people in them! 

Montana State University in Bozeman has about 12,000 students, so they make
up about a third of the town.  This makes for a very high educational level
in town, with way too much competition for mid-level professional jobs like
managerial ones that require a master's degree.  There are plenty of service
sector jobs to be had, though.  I could tell you more if I knew what kind of
jobs you want to know about.

MSU is a good school, highly rated in some areas like the film department
which is one of the 10 best in the country and of those 10, one of only 3
that offer hands-on training.  It's also the only school in the country that
offers a BA in photography.  Again, it would help if I knew what you were
interested in.

Let me know what else you'd like to hear about.

Carla McAuley

  • MONTANA Cohousing Carla McAuley, April 22 1998
    • Re: MONTANA Cohousing Carla McAuley, April 27 1998

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