Singles and cohousing
From: MartyR707 (
Date: Sun, 3 May 1998 13:07:40 -0500
In a message dated 5/3/98 3:46:31 AM, you wrote:

<<It has occurred to me that there may be single folks who wish for co-housing
>>and wish for a partner.......>>

Joani Blank started a singles in cohousing referral service at one point but
then I never heard about it again - what happened Joani?  A year or two ago,
we did some singles posting here, but haven't seen it since.  I'd be up for it
- I like the idea of posting bios and folks can respond personally.  Maybe
besides the readers of coho-L, they might have non-reader friends who would be

We have 6 singles in our community that might like to participate.

Marty Roberts
Two Acre Wood, Sebastopol
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