Introducing myself
From: Unnat (
Date: Tue, 1 Sep 1998 01:47:36 -0500

Two years ago I became technologically impoverished and had to
withdraw from this
list.  I have managed to check out the archives from time to time, and

all for being a constant source of inspiration and advice. However, I
prefer the
immediacy of subscribing and it's good to be back.

After 7 years, Pinakarri Community is gearing up to move into the
first part of
our  suburban housing co-op which includes a common house.  It has
been an
exciting year watching those walls go up.  I never thought I could get

so fond of
a concrete slab. We're located in a beachside suburb a few minutes
south of the
funkiest city in Western Australia, Fremantle.  8 units are publically

funded, for
rental to low - middle income tenant/members.  4 units are privately
owned and
form the second stage of construction.  We also have other Community
members who
have purchased land and are building houses in the neighbourhood, 3 so

far.  Plus
houses bought/built in neighbourhood by friends/family to be close to
the co-op, 6
so far.  It was always part of our vision that our co-op would become
the focal
point for a wider community.  I always find it awsome to see it

FYI we received a 100% grant for land and construction of the
non-equity portion,
through the then Federal Government's Community Housing Programme.
The grant is
administered by the state housing authority, a huge bureaucratic
organisation that
seems to consider the concept of empowering low income people through
the design
and management of their own (rental) homes to be indulgent nonsense.
Out of 14
funded housing co-ops in WA we are the only one based on the cohousing

style of
intentional community.  Other co-ops are less intentional about
community and form
around other priorities, usually for secure, affordable, low income
needs.  As the Fedreation of Housing Collectives we have just held our

third and
most rewarding conference.

More later

Robyn Williams
Pinakarri Community
Hamilton Hill, near Fremantle
Western Australia

Zen Software
08 9335 1053

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