New Cohousing in Cleveland
From: Fred H. Olson (
Date: Sat, 26 Sep 1998 08:29:56 -0500
Chris Wood   Cleveland Urban CoHousing   c.l.wood [at]  
is the author of the message below but due to a problem it was posted
by the Fred the list manager: owner-cohousing-L [at]
--------------------  FORWARDED MESSAGE FOLLOWS --------------------


I just wanted to let everyone know that the Cleveland Urban CoHousing
group will be having it's first meeting on Oct. 11th in Lakewood, OH.  We
have our eyes set on a particular building as an urban retrofit, which may
or may not be within our reach, but hey, ya gotta have dreams. Our main
principle is the respect of personal liberty and the respect for
individual freedom, along libertarian lines. We wish to build a community
that is both cooperative and tolerant of diverse opinions and lifestyles. 

Anyone who is interested is invited to email me for details.

Chris Wood
Cleveland Urban CoHousing
Cleveland, OH

  • (no other messages in thread)

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