GN?: Re Proposal for List Changes
From: Unnat (
Date: Mon, 12 Oct 1998 18:30:08 -0500
Hi folks,

I don't believe it matters how 'intentional community' is defined, it's just
words unless you walk the walk.  Pinakarri Community (and co-housing coop)
has an intention of community that fits.  Sometimes I feel like I'm held to
the bosom of the beloved, sometimes it seems that we are just a bunch of
people trying to get housed.  Both are true.

I enjoy the diversity of the coho-L and have benefitted hugely over the past
3 years whether I have been able to subscribe directly or only access the
archives.  BTW, THANKYOU all, especially the people who maintain it!  I am
totally open to use any method that helps to make the list more accessible.

On content, I really love it when people offer snapshots of their own
experience of coho/community living as well as the business of how to get it
together.  The last para from Julie was delightful and brightened my

Warmest regards
Robyn Williams
Pinakarri Community
Fremantle, Western Australia

The renderer has started on the external walls, coloured double cement.  The
administrating housing authority is still resisting our glorious colour
palette.  BTW, if anyone is ever travelling this way please get in touch.
After the building is finished the guest room in the common house will be

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