Re: condo docs and cohousing
From: Fred H. Olson (
Date: Thu, 24 Dec 1998 11:14:49 -0600
rmccreary [at]
is the author of the message below but due to a problem it was posted
by the Fred the list manager: owner-cohousing-L [at]
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I second Rob's comments about a good real estate attorney that
understands condo law.  So the first level of screening is an attorney
that DOES WORK WITH REAL ESTATE and the second level of screening is one
that DOES WORK WITH CONDOS.  Believe me, any other attorney will not do
your needs justice.  I have worked with real estate attorneys for the
past ten years as I work to teach them about insurance matters in real
estate and I guarantee there is a huge variance in knowledge level, and
some REALLY BAD CC&Rs floating around.

Good luck!

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