research on optimal size of common house
From: Hans Tilstra (
Date: Sat, 13 Mar 1999 23:58:34 -0600

The discussion on the merits of guest rooms in common houses reminded me
of a paradoxical finding by Meltzer related to the topic. Have a look,
by clicking on go to articles, choose
the middle one "Cohousing and Sustainability" then scroll down to the
chapter on "the social".

Unlike McCamant & Durrett's findings in Denmark, it seems that the
larger common houses do not necessarily achieve better outcomes in terms
of the social targets sought with cohousing.

Here in Melbourne the cost of land may well be a deterrant for the
development of cohousing. Hence I have a particular interest in finding
the optimal distribution of land.

Feedback anyone?

Hans Tilstra -


<!doctype html public "-//w3c//dtd html 4.0 transitional//en">
The discussion on the merits of guest rooms in common houses reminded me
of a paradoxical finding by Meltzer related to the topic. Have a look,
by clicking on&nbsp; <a 
go to articles, choose the middle one "Cohousing and Sustainability" then
scroll down to the chapter on "the social".
<p>Unlike McCamant &amp; Durrett's findings in Denmark, it seems that the
larger common houses do not necessarily achieve better outcomes in terms
of the social targets sought with cohousing.
<p>Here in Melbourne the cost of land may well be a deterrant for the 
of cohousing. Hence I have a particular interest in finding the optimal
distribution of land.
<p>Feedback anyone?
<p>Hans Tilstra -&nbsp; <a 


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