Re: Landscape
From: Bsetzler (
Date: Tue, 6 Apr 1999 13:38:17 -0500
We moved in June '98 and I think we all had the false and naive expectation 
that everything would be complete and that our cohousing project would look 
like our dreams.  What we are now realizing is that our landscape may not be 
finished for 5-10 years.  We can only do a few projects per year whether we 
pay for it or do it ourselves.  Which is okay, Rome wasn't built in a day.

On a time line from 1-100 with 1 being acquisition of the land to 100 being 
complete with all your infrastructure, landscaping and major dreams complete, 
I'd say move in is somewhere between 50 and 60.  

I'd also like to stress that if you don't focus on getting that piece done, 
recongizing that it won't be your dream place when you move in, I think your 
project is likely to fail.  

I think many projects never get completed because they want to move in with 
all their dreams in place.  I think you need to approach these things like a 
young couple that first buys a lot and trys to just get a roof over their 
head, but who have dreams of a hot tub, basketball court, wood shop, garden, 
etc, down the line.

Brian Setzler
Trillium Hollow
Portland, Oregon
  • Landscape ScottCoho, March 30 1999
    • Re: Landscape PattyMara, April 1 1999
    • Re: Landscape Bsetzler, April 6 1999

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