Re: Found Tom Lofft
From: Fred H. Olson (
Date: Wed, 29 Sep 1999 14:31:01 -0600 (MDT)
Sharon Villines <sharonvillines [at]>
is the author of the message below but due to a problem it was posted
by the Fred the list manager:  fholson@cohousing org

To get off cohousing-L, send email with UNSUBSCRIBE COHOUSING-L in the 
msg body to:  listproc [at]   Questions? email Fred - addr above
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This probably won't do much good but I have found Tom. He has had four email
addresses this year! But we are now in touch.

This list is fantastic. It took less than 12 hours before I had an email
from him. The person who was looking for him had been looking for several


Sharon Villines
MacGuffin Guide to Detective Fiction
Takoma Village Cohousing, Washington, DC
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