Planning for Cohousing Tour in the Netherlands in 2000
From: Tom Pendleton (
Date: Sat, 9 Oct 1999 06:52:05 -0600 (MDT)
I organized (if that is the proper term) the cohousing tour of Denmark last
June.  There has been interest expressed in a tour of cohousing in the
Netherlands next year.  I am leaving in a week to plan my 2000 European tous
(I run bicycle tours as my business), and will do some preplanning for this
coho tour.  One thing I would like advance ideas on is the best time to offer
this tour.  June tends to fit into people's summer vacations, but in the
spring the airfares are lower, accommodations more plentiful, the tulips are
in bloom (a major consideration!), and - believe it or now - there is less
rain!  My personal preference would be for early April, possibly the 9th to
16th (Easter is the 24th).

If you have any interest in this tour, let me know your thoughts on dates.

Tom Pendleton  (Takoma Village Cohousing)
The Wayfarers
tomtours [at]

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