fundraising auction inspired by Natl one
From: Judy Baxter (
Date: Tue, 19 Oct 1999 18:31:47 -0600 (MDT)
I just want to report that when I did my presentation to Monterey Cohousing
Community  and friends, last Saturday, we added an Auction to benefit our
Improvement Fund, had a LOT of fun, and raised over $600, 

Our auctioneer, wore a tux, a bowler, and she had a cigar!

I donated some of the Cohousing Network Bumper Stickers - I recommend them

"COHOUSING, the old-fashioned neighborhood of the future."  I don't know who
came up with that idea, but people seem to like them.


Judy Baxter, Monterey Cohousing Community,(MoCoCo) Twin Cities Area, Mpls.,MN
-- e-mail:      baxter [at]
 Voice Mail for Monterey Cohousing - 612-930-7554
 web page: 

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