<local proj manager as site supe>
From: Becky Schaller (bschallertheriver.com)
Date: Wed, 20 Oct 1999 21:43:18 -0600 (MDT)
I have a question about a situation we are currently looking at.  Our
builder is currently considering hiring our local project manager  as the
site superintendent.  Our local project manager is hired by our developer,
Wonderland.  We are in Tucson and our developer is in Colorado.     It seems
there are many advantages to this arrangement to both our community and to
our project manager.   My question for this listserv is, Are there some
problems we need to discuss and work through before we make a final
decision?  Has any other community had the same person working for both the
developer and the builder?   And if so, how did it work out?
  • (no other messages in thread)

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