Re: Work Requirements: LCD?
From: David Mandel (
Date: Tue, 4 Jan 2000 02:46:41 -0700 (MST)
Liz Bitner/Stevenson wrote:

> We have a separate fund from the HOA dues for capital improvements. The HOA
> dues are based solely on unit size, and the capital improvement fund is
> based on what each household feels they can contribute. You pledge every
> year based on what you want to pay, and can change the amount, with
> notification, at any time. ....

A little friendly amendment here, Liz:
    The policy on capital fund contributions is not supposed to be "pay what you
want." We didn't want such decisions made based on anything having to do with
how one is feeling about the community this year or this week.
    A sliding scale was set, based both on family/unit size and on ability to
pay. It's a very broad scale, currently from $2 to $20 a month, meant to make up
in part for the fact that our regular monthly fees don't take into account
ability to pay. The final amount is set by each household, and no one asks for
an explanation or justification, so it's low-hassle. But it is supposed to be
according to the stated criteria, not just subjective feeling or mood. And the
amount is supposed to change only if there's been a significant change in
relevant circumstances, not "at any time."

Southside Park

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